Flat White Coffee Changed its logo for Google Doodle | Know how and why?

Google Doodle Celebrates Flat White Coffee with Illustrations

On March 11, 2024, Google Doodle celebrated ‘flat white coffee’ with a special animated illustration. The flat white, a popular coffee beverage, originated in Australia and New Zealand and has gained popularity worldwide. The Doodle team partnered with the Google Magenta and Google PAIR teams to create the first AI-powered Doodle, which allowed users to compose a two-measure melody and then harmonise their custom melody into Bach’s signature music style

History of Flat White Coffee

The flat white coffee was first introduced in Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s, with various café owners claiming its invention. Alan Preston added the beverage to his permanent menu in 1985, and it was also served in cafeterias in Canberra and Auckland

Similar to a latte, but with less foam and more coffee, is the flat white. It has been exported to the US, where it is currently the second most popular beverage in coffee shops, and to the UK, where it is sold in Starbucks franchises.

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The Google Doodle Celebration 

The popularity and cultural relevance of flat white coffee are demonstrated by the Google Doodle dedicated to the beverage. Every year, the public and Google employees submit thousands of global ideas to the Doodle team, which then curates an annual list of hundreds of Doodles that highlight a variety of fascinating and inclusive subjects.

A Doodle’s period from sketch to debut might vary greatly; some take years, while others only take a few hours.

Why Was the flat white Coffee Logo Changed?

The search results do not specifically explain why Google changed the Doodle’s logo to commemorate flat white coffee. It can be deduced, therefore, that the Doodle team decided to respect the beverage’s cultural significance and appeal by including it in their design. The group responsible for creating Doodles comprises internal artists, engineers, designers, program managers, marketers, and cultural consultants.

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